Imagine a scene straight out of the 80s comedy “Weekend at Bernie’s,” but instead of a beach house, it’s the White House. This is how several anonymous members of Joe...
Picture this: a political landscape set ablaze with controversy as Joe Morelle, a Democratic Representative from New York, announces his intention to challenge the status quo. His weapon of choice?...
There’s been a lot of chatter about whether Joe Biden would throw in the towel for the 2024 presidential race, particularly after that disastrous debate with President Trump. Turns out,...
Joe Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night didn’t exactly set the world on fire. In fact, it was so underwhelming that calls for a new Democratic nominee have reached an...
There’s a storm brewing within the Democratic Party, and it’s not your typical political skirmish. Michelle Obama, the revered former First Lady and a unifying figure among Democrats, is said...
There’s a storm brewing over at CNN, one that’s causing quite a stir in the Democratic camp. The recent debate has sparked a wave of unease and speculation among Democrats,...
Well, folks, buckle up because we’re in for a wild ride. In a twist that’s straight out of a Hollywood thriller, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is about to taste freedom....
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stirred the political pot in an explosive interview on Bill Maher’s show. He didn’t hold back as he criticized the legal cases against former...
In a hard-hitting segment on Fox News’ “The Five,” Greg Gutfeld pulled no punches in his criticism of mainstream media. He accused them of readily accepting the White House’s recent...
Hold onto your hats, folks. Former President Donald Trump has just dropped a bombshell that’s set to rock the immigration debate. He’s proposed a radical idea: automatic green cards for...