In a hard-hitting segment on Fox News’ “The Five,” Greg Gutfeld pulled no punches in his criticism of mainstream media. He accused them of readily accepting the White House’s recent claim that unflattering videos of Joe Biden were “cheap fakes.” But he didn’t stop there. Gutfeld also called out the media for their history of selective reporting, particularly when it comes to former President Donald Trump.
Gutfeld highlighted the media’s glaring double standards. He asked, “Where were these anti-hoaxers when we had the ‘fine people hoax,’ the ‘drinking bleach hoax,’ the ‘koi pond hoax,’ the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax,’ the ‘border patrol whipping migrants hoax,’ the ‘lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax,’ the ‘Russian collusion hoax,’ or the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill hoax’”. Gutfeld pointed out that these same outlets are now denouncing the “cheap fakes” targeting Biden despite previously promoting questionable stories about Trump.
WATCH: Fox’s @GregGutfeld calls out liberal media over claims from White House that Biden videos are ‘cheap fakes’: "Where were these anti-hoaxers in the ‘fine people hoax’, the ‘drinking bleach hoax’, the ‘koi pond hoax’, the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax’, the ‘border patrol…
— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) June 18, 2024
The controversy revolves around a series of circulating videos that depict Biden as confused and frail. The White House dismissed these videos as deceptive edits, framing them as part of a broader effort to undermine the President. However, Gutfeld isn’t convinced. He believes that the mainstream media’s quick acceptance of this explanation exposes their inherent bias.
“We vet what we see. The media doesn’t because they are the driving force behind their hoaxes as long as they align with their narrative,” Gutfeld argued. He suggested that conservatives don’t need to resort to dishonesty to make Biden look bad, stating, “We don’t have to fabricate nonsense. They hold us to a higher standard than they hold themselves,” he added with a hint of sarcasm.
Gutfeld then delved into the broader issue of moral hypocrisy. He argued that Democrats and their media allies use their perceived moral superiority as an excuse for deceitful practices. “They can call you Hitler, interfere with elections, wage unprecedented lawfare, accuse you of banning books, label you as xenophobic, say you lack compassion for the homeless. They can lie because they believe they have the ‘moral high ground,’” Gutfeld said.
The segment has resonated strongly with conservative audiences who feel validated by Gutfeld’s critique. It underscores ongoing frustrations with a media landscape that is seen as biased and holding different political actors to vastly different standards.
This latest dispute over the authenticity of Biden’s videos is emblematic of a larger struggle over narrative control in American politics. As Gutfeld concluded, “The most dangerous person is one who justifies their wrongdoings in the name of good, especially when the good never materializes.” It’s a potent reminder that in the realm of media and politics, truth often becomes collateral damage.
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