In an unexpected twist of humor, Tamara Keith, NPR’s White House correspondent and the president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, delivered a speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that was nothing less than a comedy goldmine.
With bold confidence, she declared that we are living in a “challenging time for our country,” where people selectively choose their news based on their personal biases. According to her, this predisposes us to conspiracy theories and encourages us to perceive our fellow citizens in the most negative light possible, thereby losing sight of our shared humanity.”
Does Keith sincerely believe that NPR listeners aren’t tailoring their news consumption according to their preferences? It’s an unfortunate liberal tendency to assume that only the other side is ensnared in an echo chamber while they themselves epitomize open-mindedness. Similarly, Keith has the audacity to claim that she and her colleagues “pull no punches” and “hold the administration accountable.”
Let’s provide Keith with some undeniable evidence that she and her NPR comrades are indeed comfortably ensconced within a well-protected echo chamber: let’s talk about Hunter Biden. On Monday, Biden spent two hours in court in Batesville, Arkansas, trying to reduce his child support payments to Lunden Roberts, the mother of his 4-year-old daughter Navy Joan Roberts.
Biden’s paternity isn’t some “conspiracy theory,” but it seems he may have lost sight of his shared humanity. The Bidens have spent four years pretending this child doesn’t exist while those in pro-Biden media appear perpetually distracted.
If this were one of Donald Trump’s sons attempting to lower child support payments, NPR along with other liberal media outlets would be all over it like bees on a honeycomb. They would scrutinize both father and son for their heartless behavior. However, the hearing passed without a peep from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS or NPR.
This glaring omission speaks volumes about the bias in our media landscape. It’s a stark reminder of the double standards that exist and how they are perpetuated by those who profess to be impartial observers.”
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