Ilhan Omar’s Close Friend Goes on Record, Confirms She Has Been Exploiting the System

It looks like one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington is finally getting some sunlight. The long-rumored scandal surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar and her alleged marriage to her own brother just got a major plot twist. Abdihakim Osman, a former friend of Omar’s inner circle, has gone on the record with the Daily Mail, confirming what many suspected all along: Ilhan Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother, Ahmed Elmi, to get him into the United States. You know, just your average “family values” story—if your family tree is a pretzel.

According to Osman, Omar’s little scheme was made easier thanks to the chaos in war-torn Somalia, where official documentation is about as reliable as CNN’s fact-checking. No birth certificates? No problem! That left Omar free to marry her brother without pesky paperwork getting in the way. Osman says Omar’s motive was simple: she wanted to secure immigration papers for Elmi so he could stay in the U.S. and attend college. And because nothing says “academic ambition” like committing federal crimes, the two of them promptly moved to Fargo, North Dakota, enrolled at North Dakota State, and even raked in student loans—because apparently fraud is a family business.

But wait, it gets juicier. While legally “married” to her brother, Omar was still playing house with her first husband, Ahmed Hirsi, in Minneapolis. In the Somali community, their religious marriage was what mattered. The legal marriage? Just a paperwork shuffle for immigration benefits. This wasn’t some hidden secret either. According to Osman, plenty of people in Minneapolis’ Somali community knew about it. It was an open secret long before Omar’s rise to political fame. Yet, when conservatives brought it up, they were smeared as conspiracy theorists and bigots. Funny how that works.

Of course, the FBI supposedly looked into it—because nothing says “thorough investigation” like quietly shelving the case and claiming the statute of limitations had run out. Convenient, right? Except there’s a small problem: there’s no statute of limitations on immigration fraud. So, either the FBI forgot how to read the law, or they just weren’t that interested in pursuing it. Take your pick.

Now, with this new testimony, the question is whether anyone will actually hold Omar accountable. Don’t hold your breath. The same establishment that protects Hunter Biden’s laptop and turns a blind eye to Epstein’s client list isn’t exactly known for its commitment to justice. But maybe, just maybe, with President Trump back in office, someone in the right position will decide that the law actually matters. It’s about time.

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